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Non-choppy scrolling



  • Bastien Chilloux

    I second this.
    Much needed.

  • Bartek Pęksa

    I've just recently bought Intuos pro medium and to my surprise the scrolling using touch or pen assigned Pan/Scroll function is choppy as hell. Compared to scrolling on my laptop's touch is a night and day. I don't know why such respectable company as Wacom can not fix this?????? Scrolling feels like 5fps compared to 60fps using laptop touch pad.

    Dear Wacom please fix this intermediately!

  • João

    Hi Bartek Pęksa

    I am currently using, reading and posting this on Chrome, Windows 11 with and Intuos Pro Small and the latest driver and my scrolling experience is smooth. 

    Can you please share more details about what you experience is? Perhaps a video would also help so we can compare and have a better understanding of your experience so far. 

  • Bartek Pęksa

    Hi João,

    have you ever tried scrolling using touchpad on laptop? Compare those experiences with Wacom scrolling and you will see what I'm writing about.

  • Bartek Pęksa

    Or try this:
    1. Enable Windows ink and scroll with pen - its smooth and feels like scrolling on mobile devices.
    2. Disable Windows Ink and use Navigation Pan/Scrolling by Wacom - you will see the difference. 

  • João

    Hi Bartek Pęksa
    I have been working with Wacom devices everyday since nearly 10 years and I currently only use an Intuos Pro tablet to interact with Windows. Also have a Cintiq Pro 27 but I don't use it as much with the pen.

    I always disable Windows Ink for most applications and specially for my browser (Chrome). 

    When I am using Chrome, I can scroll using:

    • Touch Pad on my laptop
    • Touch Screen on my laptop
    • Pen on Intuos Pro
    • Touch input on Intuos Pro
    • Touch ring on Intuos Pro
    • Pen on Cintiq Pro
    • Touch on Cintiq Pro

    The experience feels the exact same except for ones being faster than others which can be adjusted in the driver or Windows settings anyway. 

    Made a video scrolling with the pen and with the laptop touch pad (when I use the pen you will see the pen pressure gauge activating):


  • Bartek Pęksa

    Hi João

    have a look at my screen recording.
    At the beginning I'm using Wacom scroll and then Wacom touch scroll, both are not smooth and are choppy.
    Next I'm using browser's middle mouse button scroll function and then Windows ink drag and scroll default behaviour. Both are smooth.

    Here is the video:

  • João

    Hi Bartek Pęksa

    Spoke with the driver team and they confirmed this is the expected behaviour. 

    Our Scroll and Touch gestures issue shortcuts in accordance with the customer's continued input.
    An example of this is a certain amount of movement issues another scroll event or shortcut. That nature is not smooth, it's like scrolling with your keyboard arrow keys or the individual steps of your mouse wheel.
    The middle click of a mouse or the drag of Windows Ink are programmatically different and their behaviour is different.


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