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OSX - How to prevent "Wacom Center" etc from automatically starting when each user login.



  • João

    Hi Michael Huston

    There is no native way to do with with our installer or through the Mac permissions. Closing permissions or removing launchers will most likely cause the driver to malfunction. 

    Since you are using JAMF, perhaps this thread helps:

  • Michael Huston

    Sadly thats a long thread of people trying and failing to get a consistent result with your drivers.
    I will not have access to push changes to ~/ section of the mac. So many of that "hacks" will not work for my lab.

    • Please request an official solution that works with larger scale lab installs;
      Automated computer enrolment management tools that Apple supports.
    • We need a driver thats works in the background with out surveys or disruptive launch windows, as students and other clients will be logging into any computer in our labs, with a fresh account most times.

    *** Thanks for sending me a new driver... I will test it!

  • Luke Jaeger

    I'm told there's an "enterprise driver" that doesn't throw popups at user login ??? Would love to get a copy of that!

  • Kenneth Close


    As you can see from the Jamf thread that you linked, providing an Enterprise driver would be greatly appreciated from the Mac Support industry. There are many of us that are supporting large fleets of exclusively, remotely managed computers and if there is not a way to configure the initial launch setting of the Wacom Desktop application, an Enterprise driver with those functions disabled would be a lifesaver. We have struggled for years trying to support our students and provide them the best experience, but having to manually disable the start on launch feature one-by-one is an unreasonable scenario, especially in situations like Michael's where new accounts are created daily.

    Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.

  • Michael Huston

    The driver "WacomTablet_6.4.6-3_Enterprise.dmg" worked well in my lab build!

    Thank you!  ( Really that drive helped a lot! )

    • Please add a section to your support page for enterprise drivers. This looks to be a highly demanded and needed service; for on going updates etc.
  • Joe Anthenat

    How does one get their hands on said "WacomTablet_6.4.6-3_Enterprise.dmg" driver, which seems to help so much?  I have had contact with Wacom support 4-days ago and still no enterprise driver link in my inbox.

  • Mike Falk

    I would love a copy of the enterprise driver for my lab as well. Please!


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