Cintiq Pro 24 breaks all microphones on Windows
I have all latest drivers and software on Lenovo laptop. Whenever I try to make a call, all of my microphones die out after maybe two seconds and do not recover. Reboot seems to help, but the mics die again after couple of seconds.
I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Wacom drivers, also downgrading to 4.3.x. Does not help.
I've confirmed this on other Windows laptops too: connecting the Cintiq without installing Wacom drivers package, ie. using Windows built-in drivers, microphones die after a couple of seconds of call.
I've tried calling with Teams, Google Meet and Slack Huddle. I've dried with two different Jabras, laptop integrated mics and Razer Kyoto mic.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I cannot make any calls now, even when Cintiq is disconnected from the computer and switched off.
We found the reason for mics not working with voip and such: as it happens, our intrusion detection system got updated signatures and this update just happened to coincide with us getting the Wacom Cintiq. So false alarm that caused way too much commotion in our end.
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Hi Vindler Borsson,
This is very strange.
The Wacom Driver only sends Pen, Mouse, Touch and Keyboard inputs to the operating system, and it only does this when a device is connected. It cannot interfere with sound in the system.
Are you sure this also happens when the Cintiq Pro is not connected?
Perhaps you are not aware, but the Cintiq Pro 24 has a built-in Microphone. Perhaps that Microphone is being used instead of your other microphones when you want to go on a call or record something.
Can you confirm if you see it as a microphone device in your system? If yes, can you disable it?
I would recommend you try the steps here:,devices%20connected%20to%20your%20computer.
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Ah, Vindler Borsson,
Mystery solved!
Thanks a lot for the update.Cheers
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