Wacom Cintiq24 wont connect to Big Sur - I mac 27"
I have imac 27" 2014 running Big Sur 11.7.10
Tablet was working fine but now i am not able to connect it anymore. I am using mini display port. When i connect the tablet it shows that is connect in Wacom center software for a second and then it disconnect and all over again. Any idea what is wrong?
Hi Nemanja Petrovic,
From your description, it seems like a connection issue. Please check all the cables and replace them if necessary.
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Thank you for answering. The cables are fine. I have replaced them and the problem still exist. I have two computers. One is imac 27" 2014 running Big Sur 11.7.10 and the other one is mac mini m1. Tablet is connected to M1 via USB-C and to Imac via mini display port. When I switch input on the tablet to USB-C, everything is ok. But if I switch back to Display port the tablet wont show the picture. It is black. However I can move the windows from imac to tablet without seeing them. The solution I have found is: When I want to switch from USB-C to Display port I have to pull out the USB-C cable from Mac mini M1, turn of the tablet, return the USB-C to M1 and turn on the tablet. Only in that case mini display port is working. This option is not good since i have to pull and push USB-C all the time. The port will be ruined.
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Hi Nemanja Petrovic,
If I understand correctly, there are two things you need to consider:- Connecting with DisplayPort alone won't be enough to make use of the pen feature. You will always need to connect USB for pen data
- Seems you have a Cintiq Pro 24 which means you should have an input source selector button. Have you tried that?
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Yes i have Cintiq pro 24. USB is connected and the pen is working. I am using touch key option to switch inputs. When HDMI cable instead of mini display cable is connected key option is working just fine. But when display port is connected this option is not working. It is very strange.
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Hi Nemanja Petrovic,
It is very strange indeed. Could you try replacing the DisplayPro cable?
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Is there any specific brand i should look for?
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No specific brand, doesn't need to be very expensive either but just something reliable.
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