New stylus design defective and not fit for purpose
I have owned a number of wacom tablets during the my career and recently purchased a new unit for work, the Intous Pro Large. While the tablet is great, the new stylus is substandard and worse than all previous designs.
The stylus features untested, poor industrial design. Modifications to the plastic mould from previous pens has been made for no reason other than dubious cosmetics. The small plastic silver button surround was damaged on the first day of use due to the pen rolling onto the floor and under a chair wheel. I had managed to reconnect the silver guard but once again it has rolled on the floor and the silver guard has once again been damaged and now refuses to sit flat.
Why on earth would Wacom design such a useless change for no reason other than aesthetics? The plastic guard needs to be fabricated in metal for it to function at all as it should. I now have what is essentially a brand new pen that I can't use.
Some design changes I'd make to the pen are as follows. Either remove the guard from the stylus entirely or redesign it in a more robust material (not plastic). Square off the end shape of the pen a little to allow it to stay put on a desk and keep it from rolling off onto the floor.
We need a solution to this problem.
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