There could be several reasons why it can fail with one of these topics
Insufficient credentials for registration:
- Secure export requires the application to provide credentials that can be attributed to the work. If the application relays insufficient credentials, registration may fail.
- Secure export requires the application to provide credentials that can be attributed to the work. If the application relays insufficient credentials, registration may fail.
Image already registered:
- If content has already been registered in Yuify, it cannot be re-registered.
- Additionally, if the content being registered already has a Micromark embedded, it cannot be registered again.
Image restrictions on Micromarking:
- Micromark can only be applied to images of a certain size and profile. The minimum requirements for Micromarking an image is an 8-bit image with dimensions of 420 x 420 pixels.
- Large images above 12,000 x 12,000 pixels cannot currently be Micromarked due to beta phase limitations. Efforts are underway to enable this feature soon.
Too little visual variation in the content:
- Micromarker relies on the visual profile (vividness) of the content. In some cases, the Micromarker may not be embedded in content with uniform (monochrome) colours or minimal deviations in the visual spectrum.
For questions or feedback around Wacom Yuify, please reach out here.