How can I create a Yuify license?
Yuify license can be created for a project. When you have some export file/s in your Yuify web application you can create a project and set up licenses during the project setup process or add them later at any point.
What are the types of licenses I can create in Yuify?
You can create a wide range of licenses using the license builder tool in Yuify. You can choose between commercial and non commercial uses as well as free or paid licesne options with many more options.
How can I use yuify licenses?
Once you set Yuify licenses for your project, you can let others who are interested in using your artwork, sign your licenses. You can either do this by sharing your Yuify project with others or share the license directly you want others to sign for the artwork.
How Yuify facilitates licence transfers?
Yuify only acts as a record keeper of your licenses, Yufiy is not responsible for the upkeep of the license conditions. If you sign a license with payment conditions as well as exchange of content. It is entirely upto the parties to arrange this themselves. Yuify does not take part in the agreement.
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