The Splashtop software has the ability of showing or hiding the remote cursor from the Splashtop View Options menu (eyeball icon). Which cursor is the best to use depends a lot on the speed of your connection and system, what type of Wacom product you are using, and your personal preference.
a. With high speed connections (< 30 ms ping time), try turning off the Local screen cursor from within Wacom Center’s Wacom Bridge tab, and leave the Remote Cursor in Splashtop enabled.
b. With low speed (> 30 ms ping time) connections, leave the Local screen cursor on and turn off the Remote Cursor, from the Splashtop View Options menu (eyeball icon).
c. With high speed connections / high performance systems and Wacom Cintiq Pro Pen displays, you may choose to turn both cursors off for a cleaner screen appearance.