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ctrl+shift+0 doesn't work



  • Official comment


    Thanks for the suggestion. Not sure if this will be possible to execute but I have shared this with the driver team. 

  • Manuel Haruta

    Are Ctrl+Shift shortcuts limited to Windows? I tried two programs, and they don’t accept this combination either. But I’ve an idea you could try:

    • Export your settings
    • Open the wacompref-File and edit your command to
      <Keystroke type="kestring"><![CDATA[&control;&shift;0]]></Keystroke>
    • Import the changed settings and try

    Or: Install Microsoft Power Toys and use the Keyboard Manager to remap a shortcut to the one you need.

  • Manuel Haruta

    Similar: You can't use Ctrl+Space with the Settings-GUI, but I could change the 5-Finger-Touch-Gesture for the new Power Toy "Peek".

    <Gesture5FTapAndHold type="map">
                  <commandData type="string">&amp;control;&amp;space;</commandData>
                  <commandDisplayName type="string">Peek</commandDisplayName>
                  <commandID type="integer">8</commandID>

  • Ilia Tetin

    Thank you, Manuel Haruta! Your method of editing the wacompref file worked for me. Just in case, here is the complete solution:

    1. In Wacom Tablet Properties, create your initial shortcut (e.g. by pressing Shift+0 and then Ctrl+0), and give it a name. E.g. ("Ugochi Eraser Brush Eyedropper")
    2. Run C:\Program Files\Tablet\Wacom\PrefUtil.exe
    3. Click "Backup.." and save your wacompref file.
    4. Open this file in Notepad, find the shortcut by name you set earlier, and change its value to this:
      <Keystroke type="kestring"><![CDATA[&control;&shift;0]]></Keystroke>
    5. Save the wacompref file.
    6. In PrefUtil, click "Restore..." and select the modified file.


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