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Wacom Inkspace App crashing on android



  • Official comment

    Hello everyone, 

    This issue should now be fixed with the latest release - v4.5.1.4

    If you are still having issues pairing, or any other issues, please contact our support so we can collect the details and inform the developers. 

    UPDATE 04/09/2023: Latest version also addresses this issue. Please make sure you update and test. 

  • João


    We are aware of this bug and working on a fix. Unfortunately there is no current workaround. 

  • MC Turan

    I'm having the same issue for 2 weeks. 

  • Denise Pinto

    This is ridiculous, I just bought the Wacom bamboo folio and I can't even use it properly. More than one day without solving an issue that compromises the whole use of the product? Great client support indeed.

  • Dave Tecson

    Instead of trying to fix the bug, can you provide access to previous version to side load? I'd much rather revert to a stable version from 6 months ago than continue to use an app and device that wont pair and record any notes.

  • João


    We are very sorry. We are checking with the team what can be done as a workaround in the meantime. Please bear with us a little longer. 


  • Luuk van den Akker


    I do run in to exactly the same problem. Re installing the InkSpace app also does not solves the problem. When I try to connect the Bamboo Spark to my Samsung S21 every time I come to the screen where the blue tooth pairing takes place the set up for connection stops/crashes. I did work with earlier versions of InkSpace just fine. 

    Can the old version made available again in the google playstore? Don't you guys test against Android devices (Samsung is quite main stream over here). And if setting back the old version is not an option can at least a time frame for a solution been given? This is Wacom unworthy.





  • Ross Ro

    Same problem I noticed a week ago on my Android 13 smartphone. The pairing restarts after I choose which orientation the device is in. If I retry, the app crashes. On an older Android version, pairing appears to work but the connection ends after a short while.

    The pairing with a tablet seems to have gone without issues, however, only worked for the transmission of some pages and stopped during the export operations. After that, the icon in the upper left corner appears gray, and I was unable to re-pair them. However, the live mode works (so they haven't really disconnected).


  • Dave Tecson

    At this point, I just Googled "Previous version of Wacom Inkspace" and found a few sites to download a version released back in December. Android is very easy to side load an .apk file, but I had to uninstall the current app first.

    Things work great now as expected before the terrible April release that broke the hardware connectivity.

  • Luuk van den Akker

    Hi Dave,

    Thanks you for the work around. But to be honest, there is a reason why software is preferable acquired at the Google Playstore or Apple App Store. This simple makes sure that the software is checked on malicious code and so on. So downloading an old version just from the internet I would not advise, although it might work.

    I do expect from a company as Wacom to come up with a good solution on this. Maybe, if they are not able to put the old version back in the respective stores they can enclose this old version through their own website, so at least I know that the code is from a trusted source.



    João the new version indeed solved my problem. Thanks for the follow up! Keep up the good work!

  • Wim Oijen

    Hi everyone,

    I'm on Android 13 with Wacom Inkspace V4.5.1.4. It's impossible to share notes to my cloud storage. The app keeps crashing "because of a bug". It renders my Wacom Bamboo Folio virtually useless. Tried reïnstalling the app, but to no avail. Could this please be addressed? 


  • João

    Hi Wim, 

    That seems like a completely different issue from the one reported by the other users in this thread. I have opened a support ticket for you so we can collect more details and report this to the developers. 

  • Stefania Galetti

    I am also facing the same issue waved by others.

    It is impossible to share or forward a page from the app (Android), making the tool completely useless.

    The system just crashes on itself as soon as you try to share the pages.

    Honestly quite annoying, also considered that in years all always worked quite well

  • Nelson Dawley

    Checked my app and looks like it was updated around May 10.  Currently I cannot "share" the files, crashes the app.  Prior to this it was great.  Error message says there is a "bug".  Hopefully it is fixed soon - this used to be a great tool for me.

  • Nelson Dawley

    Should add - last week it was working

  • Gaëtan Auvray

    Same here. No longer possible to share documents. Please solve asap 🙏

  • Tomasz Rudnik

    I did the same what Dave did, googled "Previous version of Wacom Inkspace", downloaded and installed the apk version from December. Now the image export works and connectivity with my Bamboo Slate

    I'm FURIOUS with the Wacom support, which said today:

    "It works on my device", "Please check the app on other device on your end".

    What king of incompetent support is this?
    Even if I'd check the app on other device, it's still not my primary device I work on, with latest Android and latest security updates.

    2 weeks ago the support said "We are aware of the bug, we're working on it". Today - "It works on my device, it's your problem".

    The offer of Bamboo Slate says - "Works on Android and iOS". It doesn't say "If you're lucky it works on your Android". I expect the app to work on every possible Android based device, with the latest updates. This is what the offer promises.

    Also - what kind of software development team is this, if you can't estimate the new release date? Connectivity bug fix took you over a month to produce, during this time the Bamboo was useless.

    Again - I'm furious about this, and the incompetence. I'm going to discourage everybody from buying the Wacom products...


  • João

    Hello Tomasz, 

    Apologies for the confusion, this is indeed a known issue that the App developers and investigating and working on. 

    There is a workaround you can use in the meantime: 

    If you upload your files to the cloud, you can then export them through the Inkspace web portal from any device:

  • Simon Andrews

    Hi just joining this - my bamboo slate also won't allow sharing of images from the inkspace app - but additionally won't even upload new images to the cloud.  Is the cloud broken too now?  I see a cloud with a red x in it.

    I'm using the latest inkspace android app.

    This is not a cheap piece of equipment to have not working.

  • João

    Hi Simon Andrews

    As far as I can tell, cloud sync is working for the Mobile App version. 

    I just tested this on Android and it worked fine for me at least. I did have the Cloud with the red "X" mark but logging out and logging back in solved this so maybe give that a try if you haven't already. 

  • Simon Andrews

    Thanks that worked though it did delete my local pages that hadn't synced to the cloud - which seems a bit buggy to me - surely it should keep local pages. I still can't share to jpg/PNG or text though.

  • Nenad Pantic

    I just got my Bamboo Slate today and for now, I am disappointed, as I am an Android user and can't export pages.

    The pages are synced to the Android Inkspace app and I can preview them but if I choose to export, the app either crashes or refreshes itself without exporting.

    If I go to Inkspace to the web, I "see" the pages on the Inkspace app stream, but not as previews but more like big thumbnails with cryptic names (like "WCMe4924")... if I click them, they show as just big thumbnail again. If I chose to export, it says..."Export action not available at the moment", with dev console saying: "errorMessage: "Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'brush')"" (I tried this both on Google Chrome and MS Edge)

    As for my mobile phone, I am using Samsung Galaxy S23 (Android 13).

    These issues are quite a concern as this makes the device fail at its primary function and renders it useless.

  • Stephen Iannetta

    @João That is not workaround - I have now no access to all my uploaded-to-phone sketches once I signed in. 

    Where are these files?

    Can I manually access them?

    FYI, this app has basically bricked my Slate Smartpad into an expensive sketchbook holder with a novelty on-the-phone feature 

  • João

    Hello Stephen Iannetta

    Yes, unfortunately it seems there is now a new issue with the cloud services. I have just became aware and contacted the developers about this. I hope a fix comes soon. 

  • HVK s

    Same crashing when exporting problem here. I've prepared a very important drawing for a very important meeting today. Lost expensive hours to find a diy solution ( enlarging a non quality screenshot and print it out). Humiliating...
    At the helpdesk they told me to try ot on another device.. that worked so in extremis i can do that, but i cannot use my collegues phone when i am making drawings at home.
    Guys, big firm, big loss of credibility.
    Maybe thes look simple problems for you, but it is a huge one for me.
    Bamboo folio is worthless at this moment and i should send you a' invoice for all the time i've lost spending at this bug..

  • João

    Hello HVK s

    Really, really sorry to read that. I completely understand the inconvenience and the situation this causes. 

    What you can do (I just tested this to be sure it's working) is use the workaround mentioned here:

  • Wim Oijen


    Sharing to cloudservice in pdf format still makes the app crash. Is this so hard to fix? My Bamboo Folio is worthless this way. Hope this will be resolved soon.

  • João

    Hi Wim Oijen

    Please use the workaround and export from the Inkspace portal instead of the Inkspace App as I mentioned here:

  • Stephen Iannetta

    I have received no help, there is no fix for my problem and more importantly I am being fobbed off by

    "The drawings that are saved to the Inkspace application are not saved locally on your phone or any other device, They would need to be saved to the cloud in order to be saved permanently onto the application"

    This is not true

    From the top.

    1. I signed in twice into the cloud 3 times; June 2022, September 2022
    2. I have not used the cloud in any way from September 2022 
    3. I created over a sketch pads worth of drawings over the last 7 months 
    4. I tried to export from Inkspace in the last month and it crashed 
    5. I then a sign into the cloud on Wacom's advice to get around the crash bug
    6. All my drawings from September 2022, and now have disappeared 

    Where were the stored locally on an android device? 

    Can I retrieve them?

    Now please do not reply that they were not saved as I have exported many of them, that is until I signed into the cloud.. 

    I can provide proof.

  • João

    Hi Stephen Iannetta

    I checked in with the team on your ticket. We will need to collect some little extra details and we will check with the devs if the files are somehow recoverable and if yes, how can this be done. 

    In the meantime, I also checked and tried to reproduce your issue but I was not able to do this. Files that I created Offline in the Inkspace App, were then uploaded when I logged back in. It is very strange that your files are missing but we will do what we can to find a solution. 


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