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Wacom One No Signal



  • João

    Hi Aoife Cahill

    Most likely it's the adapter you are using that is causing the issue. Please try replacing this and see if that helps. 

    For more tips:

  • Aoife Cahill

    What adaptor is recommended please? I can't find that answer at all. When I plug everything in, the pen is picked up on my mac screen but there is no picture on the wacom at all

  • João

    Hi Aoife Cahill, I cannot recommend a specific one. You can either check with your favourite online retailer for a HDMI to what ever port is available in your Mac (probably USB-C or Thunderbolt/Mini DisplayPort), or check with your local hardware shop. 

    My personal recommendation is that you consider getting a quality one even if it is a bit more expensive.  

  • Aoife Cahill

    Hi Joao,

    Why can't you recommend an adapter? Surely there might be a recommended one that works with a mac and Wacom One. I have had this for a year, I have tried multiple HDMI adapters(to great expense) and I haven't been able to use it once. Can Wacom refund me then instead?


    Kind regards


  • João

    Aoife Cahill

    Because I haven't personally tested one I could recommend. I'm sure there are plenty out there that will work as the HDMI and USB-C connections become more standard. If you tried different adapters already an none worked, then consider that there may be an issue with the X cable or with how you are connecting the Wacom One in general. If possible, try the HDMI connection with a different computer or video output device (gaming console or TV box). Please refer to the article I posted earlier to review the connection troubleshooting and contact the support team if needed. 

    If you had the device for a year then you are outside the usual refund period but check with the support team. 

  • Aoife Cahill

    Hi João,

    Apologies, I thought you were Wacom Support!

    How can I contact them? 16 months later and I still can't connect it. Tempted to sell it and buy an iPad 



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