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use inset area doesn't work after I upgraded it



  • João

    Hi HSIJEN Liu

    Can you clarify which operating system, driver version and device you are using? Also, what did you upgrade and from what version? 


  • HSIJEN Liu

    I've been using Cintiq Pro 24 P / windows 11 / the latest one version (not sure where I can find it)

  • HSIJEN Liu


  • João

    And what was the previous version you were using? 

  • HSIJEN Liu

    Is there any way I can find the update history?

  • João

    Hi HSIJEN Liu

    There is but there is no need. I just had the chance to check the available settings for the the Cintiq Pro 24 for myself and the Inset Area setting is still available with 6.4.4-2. 

    Can you please check again? 

  • HSIJEN Liu

    No, it still doesn't work, even after I reinstalled version 6.4.4-2, and even today's update to version 6.4.4-3.
    My setup is two screens, the cintiq and a benq screen, using the toggle to switch screens, but now I have to move very far to click what I need on my benq screen, whereas before without the update I didn't even have to move my hand that far.

  • HSIJEN Liu

    WacomTablet_6.4.3-1 works for me, not sure if you guys are trying to fix it or not?

  • Mario Baldi

    Same for me.
    I use the latest drivers available on macOS Sonoma (6.4.4-2), and while the "Use Inset Area" option in the UI can be checked, it doesn't seem to enable the feature. I will still have to move my arm across the entire tablet to move the mouse on the other display

  • João

    Hi HSIJEN Liu

    Apologies for not replying sooner. 

    Yes, we have confirmed this is a bug and the driver team is working to fix this. 


  • HSIJEN Liu

    Hey, I was wondering if you guys are still fixing this bug? The most recent update (6.4.5-2) still has this problem.

  • João

    Hello HSIJEN Liu

    I haven't tested this yet and doesn't seems that this is mentioned as fixed in the release notes so I don't think this would be fixed yet. It is definitely still on our radar though. I cannot tell when there will be a fix at this moment.  

  • Craig Lawson

    Come on Wacom - 4 months and no fix.

    This is rendering my tablet useless for day to day work since I work with 2 screens in my workflow and having to use the entire 27" screen to navigate the screen is painful - since I'm not facing the tablet the ergonomics are really not great.

    Its ok when your using the tablet direct, but with another screen to the side its an RSI nightmare.

    Back in the days of using my old intuos which enabled you to specify portions of the surface to the screen - seeing as this tablet is your top product Id think it entirely reasonable to expect that this function would be even better supported on a premium product - yet currently the display mapping is non existent other than 1:1!

  • HSIJEN Liu

    yes Craig Lawson, it seems that for some reason they have given this very important issue a very low priority, I really don't get it, maybe it's a rather difficult programme to complete and can't just be copied and pasted from  the previous programme to the latest one :)

  • Craig Lawson

    its ridiculous - even the more baisc product supports way more advanced options -

    Cintiq has always (until recently) supported the inset area - which is a poor substitute for the actual screen mapping feature.

    It is shocking that wacom neglect to realise that some people use more than one screen! At more than 10x the cost of an intuos you'd expect them to build on functionality - not take it away!

  • JuanPablo Granados

    Recent update for macOS (6.4.6-1) has moved Display Toggle to Wacom Center and has removed the inset area option entirely!! Why??

    Will the option come back on a future update? Does Wacom realize this makes Display Toggle totally useless on Cintiqs, specially big ones??


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