Recycling of Wacom packaging???
Greetings Wacom Community, & Wacom.... Hopefully.
I'm curious, For years I've held onto the packaging housing items I have purchased. Reason, Just in case I need to return that particular item for repair or moving locations. And after a period of time, I end up throwing the material into the recycler and trash. I hate doing this. Seems like a waist of perfectly good materials that were used one time. While at the same time being remade at the manufacturer level to send out the same product at future sales. Couldn't we come up with a system that would allow for the return of previous purchased items packaging materials to a company (eg. Wacom) for reuse with future sales? My packaging materials from my purchase of a couple Wacom items is perfectly pristine. & I'm sure it's the same with 95% of the rest you.
Question: How many of you would send Wacom back the packing materials from your purchases if they had a system set up for such a thing? Please leave an answer. Maybe, if Wacom sees enough "YESES", a system can be created. Results would be good for the environment and save a little money for Wacom by reusing perfectly good packing materials. Not to mention PR. Seems like a win win. And thank you Wacom for a great product. I love it.
Hello Steev White,
Thanks a lot for your words and interesting question.
I know it's not exactly what you are asking, but this might be relevant:, for the most recent products, we have completely changed our packaging. Please see all the details here: but not least, if you would like to send us your packaging from your previous device, please contact your regional team and we will see what can be done to help:
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