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Wacom Tablet Cursor Lag on macOS 14: Bluetooth vs. USB Connection Issues with Photoshop and Illustrator



  • Official comment

    Hello everyone, 

    The latest driver release addresses the issue reported in this thread. 

    Please be so kind to install the latest version from the link below and try it out.

    You can also check the release notes to see what other bugs we fixed and are working on.

  • João

    Hi Ku Chou

    This is a known issue. It is documented in our driver release notes.

  • Gabriele Ennas

    Dear Joao,

    not true, the freeze occurs always, in any cpu condition... always. And you say, "the cursor may stop"..but no, the cursor stops, everytime, always. Please be honest.

    A reminder: freezing lasts 1 second, more or less, and i confirm that occurs when switching from AI ti PS, from AI to finder, from PS to finder. Idk with other Adobe apps...

    – Just for tracking..same condition here: MacOS 14 + latest Wacom intuos pro with latest driver ; ) –

  • João

    Hi Gabriele Ennas

    This is the info we have noted in the patch notes provided by the driver team who has been able to reproduce the issue. I have never been able to reproduce the issue myself.

    Regardless, Wacom is aware and working on a fix. 

    I have seen other users mention that disabling GPU acceleration in PS and IL also helps in some cases. 

  • Ku Chou

    I agree with what Gabriele Ennas said (I'm touched that someone else has encountered the same issue; previously, whenever I asked customer service, they always told me to reinstall the drivers and adjust the GPU settings, but it never helped).

    Under any CPU condition, when I use a USB Cable to connect, switching between IL and PS to other windows always results in a 1-second freeze, but this does not happen when connected via Bluetooth.

    Moreover, this issue does not occur with macOS 13's Driver 6.4.0-9 regardless of the CPU load, without modifying GPU settings, and while using a USB Cable. This problem persists with drivers updated thereafter and has been ongoing for half a year.

  • Wenquan Pan

    Hey following up on this, did they fix it yet? I have the same exact issue and now I have to revert the driver back to 6.4.0-9 to fix the issue.

  • João

    Hi Wenquan Pan

    There has been no new driver release so the issue is not fixed yet. There is currently no ETA for this fix that I am aware. 

  • Ku Chou

    Following up on the issue, I purchased a brand new MacBook Pro M3 Max (running macOS version 14.1) and installed it following the official Wacom instructions, successfully reproducing the issue 100%. Subsequently, I took it to an Apple Store and tested it on another computer randomly selected, and once again, the same issue was replicated 100%.

  • Ku Chou

    Following up on the issue, on my new MacBook Pro M3, the Wacom CTL-4100 works perfectly when connected via USB. The freezing issues is the PTH-460.

  • Joachim Lous

    I don't have any Adobe apps, but my CTL-4100 started displaying periodic bouts of lag after updating to Sonoma 14.4.1.  Not related to CPU load.


  • emre koyuncu

    I have no problem before long time after i wanna start to use my wacom intuos M but it is lag , i am not sure what is the reason , new driver or new ios, but i can not draw anything , it is make me anoying, it was working perfect before, pls fix this issue because i spent days to find solution...

  • Joachim Lous

    When it happens to me, "cfprefsd" and "diagnosticd" are having a spike in CPU usage, although system-wide cpu usage has plenty to spare.


  • Gabriele Ennas

    Months are passing, last wacom software update (6.4.6-1) installed, but this critical issue is not solved... so disappointing ...i do not expect this from Wacom! please release a decent update..

    The issue occurs not only with sonoma 14.4 on my mac studio, but also with big sur 11.7.10 on my macbook pro (late 2013).. same 1 second lag when passing from an adobe app to, for example, finder.. or chrome.

  • emre koyuncu

    incredible Wacom can notnfind solution for this problem, I barely can notnuse my 300$ tablet, this is garbage with lagging situation and there is no even explanation! Wacom has to fix problem soon or I will open the case for Wacom to return my tablet !

  • Olivier Rielland Nadeau

    Still no update on this Wacom ? Im using the PTH-460 and having the same problems with my M3 pro Sonoma 14.4. Any time frame on the horizon for fixing this bug. Follow ups would be appreciated thanks !

  • Marcos Schnaider

    I've been in this for a while too. Exactly the same problem. I asked for support help and didn't have any success.

  • Roel Tiemessen

    This annoying issue is back with Somoma. It's really really terrible. Please... 

  • emre koyuncu

    anyway Wacom lost my trust, it was best brand for me and now I will check another brand , it is so funny u are buying one product and u can not sue it because of software problem, and no explanation...

  • Martin Gouw

    Any news on this issue yet? I just bought a Wacom Intuos Bleutooth but it's a total waist of money as the BT functionality is useless and frustrating. 

  • Alessandro Dallafina

    Adding another comment here to hopefully surface this issue a bit higher.
    Still experiencing the lag problem with a new MacBook Pro M3 with plenty of CPU cycles to spare! It's been almost half a year since this was surfaced! 

  • emre koyuncu

    Literally i can not use my wacom tbalet more than 2 month , I will open legal case for wacom soon, they have to refound my money i do not care I do not have my guarantee anymore, barely software issue i can not use my tablet and wacom do not explain nothing about this, i can not wait anymore, this is insane!!!

  • João

    Hi emre koyuncu,

    Are you sure you have the same issue being discussed here? This issue only stops the cursor from moving for a few seconds maximum. It should not stop the tablet from working completely. 

    Please make sure this is the issue you have. If you have a different issue, then we will need to troubleshoot with you but this is not the right thread to discuss that. 

    The issue reported in the beginning of the thread is still being investigated. Unfortunately it is not as easy to solve as it might appear.

  • Roel Tiemessen

    Out of frustration with this issue I use the bluetooth connection. Slower, but I take it over the lag between the switches between programs. What else can I do?

  • Marcos Schnaider

    More than 5 months! It's been 5 months with this problem!!! Besides affecting productivity, there's the constant disappointment of seeing the cursor stop countless times during the day.

    5 months and no solution.

    I tried support and just wasted time. I even received a response that didn't help at all.

    Wacom, please give us a forecast!! For us, the tablet is an essential work tool. We need it to work. And this problem drives us crazy. It's very annoying.

    Once again, please resolve this issue, give us a forecast to end this once and for all.

  • Roel Tiemessen

    I feel you Marcos. Same thing here all the time. If the solution lies in buying new hardware I would do it. It's that frustrating. 

  • Marcos Schnaider

    As I could imagine, no response. Just silence... as if nothing is happening. Every day I remember this driver. And it's not because I want to. I actually wouldn't even like to know it exists. I just wanted it to work as it always did until a few years ago.

    Nowadays it's the driver, Wacom center that loads when I turn on the computer, profile to save my settings... I don't even know what else.

    I don't need the Wacom center, I don't need to save my profile only to have to reset the password every time I need it because I don't use it. My settings take 2 minutes to configure. It's quick.

    It's sad to have to "accept" that it no longer works as it used to and to have to live with that. I would like to receive $1.00 every time I have to wait 1 second for the cursor to start responding again.

    Wacom, I am disappointed. Truly.

  • João

    Hi Marcus Chaloner

    Sorry. At this point I don't have anything to add to what I already said before and this is why I don't reply directly. 

    Unfortunately, it is not as simple to fix as we expected but it is still high priority. I don't have an ETA I can provide at the moment. 

  • emre koyuncu

    I Agree with u Marcos, they said everyone delete and download ur driver, and many question , they know Noone fix their problem and still continue to same process like it is solution, they do not except it is driver issue, they just try to proof we did not download properly or the problem in our program or our computer, it is so funny because it was working 5 months before but not now... t is my 2. tablet but now i say I wish I never buy Wacom, next time I will just buy another brand , or apple tablet .

  • Roel Tiemessen

    Is there an hardware alternative? I'm ready to switch to another Wacom or non-wacom tablet to avoid this terrible bug. 

  • Marcos Schnaider

    Dear Wacom,

    Please do something. I am tired of this problem. If there is no forecast, give me instructions on how to return my tablet and get my money back to buy another one.

    What is the procedure for returning it?


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