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Calibration of display dont work in latest driver 6.4.6-2



  • João

    Hi David Hanson

    I had this before on one of our test units. Your description matches a defect with the Touch sensor. You are getting ghost inputs (meaning the sensor thinks it's being touched when it's not). This is not some thing you can fix on the software unfortunately. 

    You can check with your regional support if the device can be repaired, or you can just disable touch permanently. 

  • David Hanson

    Thanks for that João.

    Do you know if there is a way to uninstall the wacom center to be able to reinstall it, so I might recalibrate it now that the software has updated to 6.4.6-2?

  • David Hanson

    Thank you for your reply Joao. The problem is that the latest update av un-assosiated the wacom tablet app with its uninstall file. Se my explenation above.

    So I can not follow the instructions you give since they aply to a program that have a uninstall file in its installation folder. 

    Could you advice me on what is the name of the.exe file that is the unintall file for wacom tablet. So i can search for it on the computor. There is no unistall file in the folder that keeps the wacom files.


    When i push the button "install update" in the wacom center (the 6.4.7-3 update) nothing happens so I have to asume that the wacom  center program is corrupted beyond repair and I would like to unistall it and begin again.


    Tank you.



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