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how to disable screen-change indicator popup ?



  • João

    Hi malte maas

    That icon appears when you use the Display Toggle function. 

    If your device has expresskeys, you can disable this by disabling the Express View checkbox in the ExpressKeys settings. 

    If you don't have this option, then there is currently no way to turn this off but the team is looking at an alternative is a future driver release.


  • malte maas

    yes, it SHOULD appear when i use the display toggle,   

    but it also appears when i hover above different areas or windows within an app. (currently using blender and 3dcoat)

    the icon pops up when i am klicking on the brush size, brush type, brush opacity, color, layer, etc..  every time i go to a different area of the app, the icon is flashing in my face.

    its a tortue..  i restart the driver like 80 times during the day, since that helps a little on windows10

    but at home, on windows11, even restarting the driver does not help at all.

    at home, i just have to live with that..   its driving me nuts.

  • João

    Hi malte maas

    That is really not normal.

    • Does the cursor actually change displays when the icon appears?
    • Which device are you using?
    • How do you have Display toggle setup? To an ExpressKey or some other method?
    • Do you use the same device on both home and office or do you use different devices?

    Just trying to understand a bit better what could trigger this unwanted reaction.

  • malte maas

    i made you a quick video showing my setup and how i switch monitors and how the problem looks to me


  • João

    Hi malte maas

    Thank you so much. That video really helps understand the problem. 
    I have sent you an email so we can troubleshoot this further. 


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