The Wacom Account site,, uses cookies to manage account login. Depending on the browser you are using, if cookies are blocked or not enabled, the site can show some abnormal behavior, including the page not loading, a reload cycle, or simply returning to the login area after you enter your credentials, even if they are correct.
- If you are trying to log in or create an account from the Wacom Center, please check our article here: The page is blank when trying to log in to the Wacom ID in the Wacom Center. What can I do?
- If you experience any of the issues above, please ensure your Internet browser has cookie support enabled. Below are the steps to enable cookies in commonly used browsers:
- In the browser bar, enter: “chrome://settings/clearBrowserData”
- Click on Advanced, set the time range to All time, make sure Cookies and Cache are selected, then press on Clear data
- Refresh the browser page with the Wacom ID login, and it should now work
- Open Safari
- Open the Settings in Safari by clicking Safari and then Settings or using the shortcut.
- Click on the Privacy tab and then click on Manage Website Data...
- Select from the list and then click Remove
- Click on Done to close the dialogue window
Microsoft Edge
- Open the Microsoft Edge browser
- Open the Settings
- Click on the Settings section on the left and then click on Privacy, search, and Services.
- Scroll down and click on Choose what to clear under the Clear Browsing data section.
- Select All time under the Time range.
- Ensure Cookies and Cache are selected and click on Clear now -the Clear browsing data dialogue Window will close after this.
If the issue continues, please contact Wacom Support using the contact button below.