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Touch is working on wrong screen



  • João

    Hi Christopher, 

    The steps have not changed much since Windows 7 so you should be fine. 
    Just follow the steps below:

    1. Open the Control Panel (right click the "Windows" icon)
    2. Click on Hardware and Sound
    3. Click on "Calibrate the screen for pen or touch input"
    4. Click on setup and follow the Windows prompts
    5. Once the setup is done, click the dropdown to select your Cintiq Pro in the list and click on Calibrate. Once again, follow the prompts and you should be setup
  • Carl Plesner

    I'm having the same issue with my Cintiq Pro on Windows 11 Home since I installed a second monitor, but there are no Tablet PC settings as noted above.  If I turn off the monitor I recently added, then the Wacom works fine with Touch.  But just as soon as I turn on my external monitor, then my touch actions on my Wacom affect my computer monitor.  Any advice?

  • João

    Interesting. As far as I know these are built in into Windows. Can you let me now how you are connecting the Displays? Sounds like Windows is not fully being able to make a difference between the displays and mapping touch tot he correct one. 

  • Carl Plesner


    I'm using a Surface Dock - a Microsoft product made specifically for Surface Pros.  I've tried everything and the only thing that will allow Touch on my Wacom to work on my Wacom is by turning off the second (nontouch) monitor.  Once I turn the second external monitor on, Touch goes back to affecting my Surface Pro, even though my hands are on the Wacom screen.  Any help appreciated.


  • João

    Hi Carl Plesner

    That could explain it. Your surface also has a touch display and probably between managing 3 displays 2 of which are touch displays, Windows is not being able to Map the touch input correctly. 

    I did some additional research and the Tablet Pc Settings option should definitely be available. It's a stardard component of Windows since at least Windows 7 since Windows natively supports touch displays. 

    Please try the steps here:

    On you have access to the Tablet PC settings as mentioned in my comment above and check if the issue persists. 

    Also make sure your Windows is fully updated for good measure. 

  • Carl Plesner


    Those steps are for Windows 8.1 - Windows 11 has turned off your ability to affect Tablet PC mode settings (even Windows 10 had the ability to affect Tablet PC mode, but not Windows 11).

    "There is no dedicated option to enable or disable Tablet mode in Windows 11. Tablet mode in Windows 11 is automatically enabled, for this your laptop model must be a touchscreen device or a 2-in-1 PC. It may be necessary to turn off the rotation lock function.Feb 8, 2023",off%20the%20rotation%20lock%20function.

  • João

    Hi Carl Plesner

    Sorry. I might be missing something but I don't understand the relation between turning Tablet mode ON or OFF and what I mentioned in the previous comment.

    What I sent is about being able to use and configure the Tablet PC Settings in the Control Panel. You said this was missing but this should 100% be available in Control Panel.

    You need to be able to access this to setup touch in your system correctly.  

    Note that I took that screenshot with the instructions from a 2-in-1 Lenovo with Windows 11 Pro. 

  • Carl Plesner


    It's strange - when I try what you showed, the control panel says there are no PC tablet settings available for the Wacom when the additional monitor is turned on.  When I turn off the additional monitor, the ability to calibrate and work with PC tablet settings is then available for the Wacom.  See screenshots.  I've tried many things and, no matter what, the Wacom touch goes to my Surface Pro screen when the additional monitor is turned on (pen still works on the Wacom).  I turn off the external monitor, and all is fine with the touch working on the Wacom and affecting the Wacom screen.  Thanks for your suggestions so far, but everything seems to make my touch gestures on the Wacom to affecting the Surface Pro screen when the addtional monitor is turned on.


  • Carl Plesner


    I finally found a solution!  I attached the Microsoft Surface Pro keyboard to the Surface Pro (I normally use a bluetooth keyboard) and then went into Tablet PC settings and Setup the Wacom to have the touch setting there.  I remembered that the Surface Pro acts more like a Tablet when the keyboard is not attached, vs when it is attached.  I guess that allowed the Wacom to be set up to have touch controls.  I have removed the Surface Pro keyboard and so far the touch is still working on the Wacom even with the additional monitor turned on. Time will tell if these setting remain in effect after letting the computer sleep overnight, turn off/on, etc., but so far I'm where I want to be. Thanks for your help in all of this!

  • Matt Hoyle

    Hey, folks,

    I'm having the same issue on a DTH-2452 installed in a classroom at my college.   It's setup as a 2nd display for the instructor.   

    • Windows 11 PC which connects to Wacom via an AV switcher.
    • Wacom receives video from AV switcher via HDMI. 
    • USB connects from the PC to the Wacom.  

    Windows sees the Wacom as a generic plug and play monitor.    Pen input works fine.   But any touch input appears on the primary display.  

  • João

    Hi Matt Hoyle

    Would it be possible to not use the switcher at all? This is probably interfering with the handshake which is needed for the Display to be properly detected as a touch enabled display by Windows. 

    Note that the DTH-2452 has a video bypass feature meaning it can receive a signal and output the same signal to another device like a projector, or a second screen. Perhaps this eliminates the need for the switcher? 

  • Matt Hoyle

    Thank you, Joao.    I'll double-check the connections.   Maybe we can reconfigure things in order to use the bypass.  

    Also, this wasn't an issue before we upgraded the PC to Windows 11 this summer.   

  • Carl Plesner

    Unfortunately my issue of having touch (or sometimes even pen) affect another display is still occurring when I have a second monitor connected to my Surface Pro and turned on. I’ve had to leave the Surface Pro keyboard connected though I don’t use it. And occasionally I just have to turn the Wacom off and on, or go through Pen and Touch setup again, to get both the touch and pen to the Wacom. No issues at all when the second monitor isn’t turned on.

  • João

    Hi Carl Plesner

    This seems more like an issue from Windows and Tablet mode vs Regular mode. I think you probably need to report this to Microsoft. 

  • Matt Hoyle

    Hey, Joao, I rewired to use the pass-through, and it still has the same symptoms.  :-|    I rewired so it was using:

    PC HDMI out -> Wacom DVI In

    Wacom DVI out ->   AV Switcher HDMI in

  • João

    Hi Matt Hoyle 

    Made some additional research and found this:

    I do not recommend the downgrade to Windows 10 (it doesn't make sense to be honest) but it does seem that the Calibration feature helps Windows map the Touch display correctly. 

    Please see here:


  • Matt Hoyle

    Hey, Joao, thank you.   I'll give that a try!

  • David Lopez

    hello João,  if you are able to see this, This really helped because I was having this issue where the touch was on the wrong screen but it was able to work after following your steps however I am still having one issue whenever I tap on the keyboard button on the top right on my Cintiq 24 touch the keyboard appears on the wrong monitor, it appears on my main monitor rather than on my Cintiq 24 as my second monitor.

  • João

    Hi David Lopez

    Glad to hear that the mapping is now working on the correct display. 

    As for where the keyboard appears, this is not something what we can control. Our button is just mapped to a Windows prompt that opens the keyboard. Normally you can just drag it to the touch display and it will remain there any other time you need it. 

  • Aaron Ryan

    I'm having the same issue as Carl Plesner above. As of the last driver update 6.4.4-3, I try to use the Touch Input on my CintiqPro24PT, it registers on my other monitor, unless the other monitor is turned off.  I cannot calibrate the Cintiq if the other monitor is turned on, because the calibrate option is greyed out. 

    Also, I cannot make the Wacom my Main Display...I get the following message now in Windows Display Settings:


    Please help.  Everything was working fine until I updated to the latest drivers last week.

  • João

    Hello Aaron Ryan

    Please try a clean driver install and see if the issue still happens:

    It does seem that Windows is not detecting your Cintiq Pro as a Touch display and is not sure where to map the touch input. It might be worth double checking the connections as well. 

  • Aaron Ryan

    That worked! Thanks!


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