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Intuos Pro L is unresponsive after wakeup from sleep mode



  • João

    Hi marc de blieck

    That is usually a connection issue and not something that can be fixed by the driver. When your Mac wakes up from sleep, it should send a signal and recognize automatically which devices are connected to it. 

    • How are you connecting your Intuos Pro to your Mac? 
    • Have you changed cables or adapters already? 
    • When you restart, is the Intuos Pro detected by the system under USB devices? 

    For reference, I use an Intuos Pro with a MacBook (M2) with Sonoma, connected with a single USB-C to USB-C cable and I have no issues with the Intuos being detected after sleep, reboot or just normal power ON. 

  • marc de blieck

    Hi João,

    Thank you (and sorry for my late reaction)

    The Intuos is connected to the Mac over the OEM USB c > USB 2 cable (according to system report), I´ll try switching cables.

    I need to get a mouse to check if the system does or doesn't detect the Intuos when it is unresponsive. I only have the Intuos Pro as input device…




  • Ian Scott

    I came here in the vain hope that this issues has been resolved, it seems so basic.

    I've been suffering from this issue for months and after updating and reinstalling everything I asked wacom support back in January. This is for a windows 11 pc though. Here's the answer I received

    "This is a know issue that can happen if you force the driver to pause when you set the computer to sleep.
    The driver does not restart when you "wake" the computer.
    I can only advise to avoid the sleep mode while using the tablet."

    So I have to leave the computer on full power all day or restart multiple times, this is a total fail by wacom, it's like the computer issues from the 1990's. This will be deal breaker if when updating my tablet in the future. 

    Get it sorted wacom!


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