Intuos Pro L is unresponsive after wakeup from sleep mode
My Intuos Pro L is often unresponsive after my computer (Mac Studio / OS 14) wakes up from sleep mode. I don't use Bluetooth, but keep the usb plugged in to work. The only remedy that I have found is unplugging the usb connection and then reconnecting the Intuos with usb. I have had this problem from the beginning, hoping that the next update will fix the issue. Today I had to restart my Mac to get the Intuos back to work. Any ideas about what could be the problem? Thanks
Hi marc de blieck,
That is usually a connection issue and not something that can be fixed by the driver. When your Mac wakes up from sleep, it should send a signal and recognize automatically which devices are connected to it.
- How are you connecting your Intuos Pro to your Mac?
- Have you changed cables or adapters already?
- When you restart, is the Intuos Pro detected by the system under USB devices?
For reference, I use an Intuos Pro with a MacBook (M2) with Sonoma, connected with a single USB-C to USB-C cable and I have no issues with the Intuos being detected after sleep, reboot or just normal power ON.
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Hi João,
Thank you (and sorry for my late reaction)
The Intuos is connected to the Mac over the OEM USB c > USB 2 cable (according to system report), I´ll try switching cables.
I need to get a mouse to check if the system does or doesn't detect the Intuos when it is unresponsive. I only have the Intuos Pro as input device…
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I came here in the vain hope that this issues has been resolved, it seems so basic.
I've been suffering from this issue for months and after updating and reinstalling everything I asked wacom support back in January. This is for a windows 11 pc though. Here's the answer I received
"This is a know issue that can happen if you force the driver to pause when you set the computer to sleep.
The driver does not restart when you "wake" the computer.
I can only advise to avoid the sleep mode while using the tablet."So I have to leave the computer on full power all day or restart multiple times, this is a total fail by wacom, it's like the computer issues from the 1990's. This will be deal breaker if when updating my tablet in the future.
Get it sorted wacom!
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I suffer from the issue as well daily - 3-4 times after sleep. Sometimes I can click restart driver in the Wacom settings and it comes back - sometimes I have to unplug and plug back in, sometimes I need to restart - all very annoying but been going on for a couple years and two MACs.
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It's a pain, I'm mildly shocked it also happens on mac's as well. However it's not happened for myself over the last month, not sure what I've done to fix it but here are things I've done that might effect it...
It's either a driver update, there's been a couple. currently on 6.4.7-3
I did notice over last couple of weeks all the applications from the Wacom Tablet Properties panel disappeared so have had to start loading them back in.
Before the updates I tried using the tablet in bluetooth mode, without physical wires, then it would work upon wake up.
Or like yourself the unplug/ plug back in seemed to work as well.I'm on a amd ryzen 7950x3d with 7900xt, pc. So not sure if any of that helps.
Good luck!
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Ian Scott - Funny you said that because for the last two days I haven't had to unplug and replug the tablet. Fingers crossed!
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Every. Single. Day. It has always been this way. Mac goes to sleep. Wakes up. Wacom Intuos doesn't respond and never will. Resulting in a Mac restart, rendering the Sleep function completely useless. I have had Intuos for nearly 10 years now. Every single day. It is a flaw in Wacom's Intuos, not to do with Mac. Could be solved very simply by some sort of "Restart" inside the Wacom Tablet preference.
I've brought this up many times with Wacom and they fudge the answer every time.0 -
Hi Rob Miller,
There is a restart function inside the Wacom Center:(Windows UI but it's the same on Mac)
Also, there are implemented processes to make sure the driver always starts when you log in to your user account but if some process is blocked somehow, this can fail.
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I've had this problem too, on and off.
So far, I've been able to reconnect it by changing the Wacom usb connector from one usb port to the next. And after sleep / waking the computer, changing it back to the first usb port.
Meanwhile, the System Info / Hardware / USB section still shows no Wacom connected. I have to close it, re-open it, for it to update the status of the usb busses. Then the Wacom is shown.
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Problem for about a year. Been using Wacom for decades, now I have to restart drivers every single time I sleep, which is a dozen times a day. Currently CTL-4100WL.
The windows screenshot above isn't relevant, as there are no troubleshooting options in the Mac Wacom Center.
Up to date drivers do nothing. Clearly, the Wacom development team sits at a desk all day and has no idea how invasive this problem is.
The only solution are these two commands in Terminal:
launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.wacom.*
launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/com.wacom.*
I'm not going to restart my Mac every time I walk to a meeting.
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Hi Doug Machin,
The issue you experience is not related to was initially reported.
Also, the fact that you solve the problem by executing those 2 commands, means that something else is blocking our launcher from starting that otherwise would start normally.
Do you maybe have a 3rd party program such as Clean My Mac installed? If you have this or a similar program installed, please try the steps below: -
I have a brand new MacBook Pro, with very little non-standard apps. Also, I use not the latest driver, but 6.4.6-3 because with current driver version 6.4.6-8, the touch feature doesn't work. So Doug Machin, might that be worth a try for you too?
After waking it up, most of the time, my Intuos Medium Pro Touch / PTH-651 works right away, or kicks in after a few seconds but sometimes it takes up to 10 seconds or it doesn't come online at all.
If it doesn't, I unplug it from the left front usb-c / Thunderbolt 4 port, replug it and then it usually works again. But not always: It seems to have a preference for the front usb-c port. It doesn't always work when I change it to the back one, but it always works when I un/replug it to the front left usb-c port.
Restarting the driver via the Wacom Center sprockets button works too, by the way, but takes longer to find and do.
I'm not an expert, but it the problem is on the macOS side, why do other usb devices seem to have no problems?
Also: When it doesn't work, the lights do not light up either. It seems that it doesn't get power. If that is helpful.
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Thanks, but I do not have a 'cleaner' app that runs in the background of my Mac.
Also, I'm not restarting, I'm waking from sleep. I close my mac, go to a meeting, come back and plug the USB cable back in a lot.
More than half the time the tablet is pointed to a different monitor. the other half the tablet is not responsive at all.
I discovered those two commands in another thread. It's cumbersome, but it avoids a reboot.
(Rebooting a Mac for a software problem is not something that should ever happen)
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I'm having similar issues, running 15.3 (24D60) and Intous Pro M PTH-660.
Once the screen goes to sleep and I wake it the Wacom tablet isn't connected. It is annoying and I have not found an easy fix.
What I normally end up doing is having to disconnect the device from Bluetooth and reconnect or turn off the computer and make sure it is on when starting up.0 -
This happens on several previous versions going back over a year.
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So, when the system goes to sleep, the driver will be shut down and will only restart once you log in to your user account again. This is the same for every driver on Mac and depending on how many apps need to start after sleep, it may take longer for the Wacom Driver to also start. Restarting the connection of forcing the driver to start might jumpstart the start-up of the driver in this state as well.
I am not sure how much of this can actually be controlled from the Wacom driver itself since we cannot control what the OS does when and how, but perhaps we can take your specific situations and use cases and share your logs so we can investigate this a bit further.
If you are willing to do so please see the steps here: -
I recreated the problem and have log files. Can't put them here.
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Please keep us in the loop about any possible causes and solutions.
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