Wacom One (DTC121) is not working - No signal
Hey, just bought Wacom One Pen Display 12 and after trying to connect it for hours, it still doesn't work. I've tried multiple ways of connecting it to my laptop, checked everything, but when I turned it on it had no image on the screen. Still stuck on "No signal, Press the OSD button to switch the input source". I've searched for solutions everywhere, yet nothing worked. It's a disaster. Is anyone from Wacom customer support reading this? What may be the problem? And don't try to persuade me about buying some adapters. Why is it not working on its own???
Hi Bronislava Hrubá,
Sorry to read that.
Since you didn't mention specifically in your text, how exactly are you trying to connect the Wacom One to your computer? Also what ports are available on your computer?
Please see for reference:
There are two ways to connect so we need to check which is the best way for you. Once you are sure what your computer ports are, please check the connection guide here: https://support.wacom.com/hc/en-us/articles/16665102560023-How-do-I-connect-the-Wacom-One-12-DTC121-and-Wacom-One-13-Touch-DTH134-to-a-computer0
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